Redemptorist Pre-Notivitate
“Although He was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered” (Heb 5:8)
Like a plant, a holy vocation to the priesthood does not come to maturity before season. When a by shows some interest to enter the priesthood, it is wrong to simply ignore or label it as a childish dream because each case has to be taken individually. The best thing is to place that seed in a healthy environment which helps it grow.
The young men in the Redemptorist Junior Seminary, Colombo are also by God to a vocation and they are being trained to recognize God’s vocation more easily and clearly and to respond to it. The purpose of a Junior Seminary, therefore, is to foster the human and Christian personality and to give the seed a chance to take root.
The Redemptorist Junior Seminary which was first established in Dodamwala Kandy in 1937 in order to train the young candidates who wished to enter the priesthood or brotherhood in the Congregation of The Most Holy Redeemer. It was later shifted to Colombo in 1981 for mainly want of space and facilities as more and more young boys joined the seminary. The Redemptorist Junior Seminary is situated in Thimbirigasyaya in close proximity to St. Theresa’s Church.
With the light and guidance of The Holy Spirit, the seminarians are led by the formators in order to respond faithfully and discern their vocation. The Redemptorist Junior Seminary, where, the future missionaries are formed can be considered the heart of the Region. The formators pay attention to every sphere of the seminary routine and try their best to provide the students with the best formation to one day become faithful and dedicated Redemptorists. The Students are formed spiritually, physically and academically in order to become true apostles of St. Alphonsus. Here in the seminary, the boys engage in many activities apart from studies like games, manual labour and many other extracurricular activities that mould them and deepen their God-given talents to become fearless servants of God.